Frequently Asked Questions


1. How can I get my child to see a Paediatrician?

Dr. Goldade sees children on a referral only basis. They need to be referred by another physician, often your Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Goldade does not see healthy children for "primary care".


2. Why is Dr. Goldade's wait time so long?

Dr. Goldade's wait-lists have grown exponentially, and we truly appreciate your frustration in sometimes being unable to see a medical professional (including Dr.Goldade) in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, there are just not enough Paediatricians in Calgary to take care of all the patients.

A personal note from Dr. Goldade: If you are as equally frustrated (as I am) regarding the lack of timely resources in Alberta ... you MUST complain to your MLA here. Complain loudly to him/her... as we are ALL working hard and are feeling exhausted. Know that I'm a parent too ... and share in your frustration. As well, check out my thoughts in the Government Advocacy section of this website.

If you feel you or your child have an emergency and cannot get in to see me, please see your Family Physician, go to a walk-in clinic or go to an Emergency Room.


3. How do I book a follow-up appointment?

You are required to book all follow-up appointments,. It's best to organize the follow up appointment at the end of any visit. Or you can email our office ( Our office will not contact you to book follow up appointments. Dr. Goldade usually sees children (In Person) every 6-8 months. If it's been more than 12 months since your child has been seen, you will need a Referral from your Family Doctor to be seen again. Prescription refills or brief email do not count as a Visit.


4. How do I cancel or re-book an appointment?

Please email ( or text (403-620-4204) to let us know (the sooner the better). If less than 24 hours (1 full business day) is given, you will be subject to a missed appointment fee. Please refer to the Office/Patient Services section for more information. Even if the appointment is only with a parent, that works too.


5. I'm running late, what do I do to avoid a missed appointment fee?

Please email ( or text (403-620-4204) our office as soon as possible, and the front staff can review the options with you (such as a phone call with Dr. Goldade or a Virtual Visit). Most likely you will need to reschedule as our office runs VERY on time.


6. Should I come early to the appointment?

You are encouraged to join the Virtual Visit 5 mins early. Ensure your microphone and camera are working.


7. Why is Dr. Goldade late at times?

This can happen for a variety of reasons, most commonly because a family before you arrived late to their appointment. You can help us avoid this by ensuring you arrive early so your child is ready to see the doctor at the scheduled appointment time. 


9. Why do I have to pay for "uninsured services"?

Uninsured services are not covered by Alberta Health Care. The cost of these services are based on suggestions from the Alberta Medical Association. To review a list of uninsured services, please refer to the Office/Patient Services section.


10. Can I email forms or reports or questions to Dr. Goldade?

Recently, we have made it possible for you to email reports and forms to our office. At this time, email is considered INSECURE. We also have a SECURE email service (called Brightsquid). Ask Dr. Goldade or the staff about this option.


11. Can I phone Dr. Goldade?

You will not be able to speak to Dr. Goldade by simply calling in or emailing. We can try to accommodate a phone call or a Virtual Visit but it still needs to be scheduled via email.


12. Why do I need a re-referral for my child to see Dr. Goldade?

A re-referral is needed once your child's file has been closed or if it has been more than 12 months since your last In Person visit. This may happen if your child does not follow-up with Dr. Goldade within the recommended time period (usually within 6-8 months) or if Dr. Goldade feels no follow up is required. Prescription refills or brief email do not count as a Visit.


13. My child has behavioural/learning problems. Will Dr. Goldade provide us with counselling?

Dr Goldade is NOT a Psychologist nor a Counsellor. She is not a Psychiatrist. She does not provide Psychoeducational Assessments. She also does not provide Primary Care. She will assess your child from a MEDICAL perspective and make recommendations based on that. She considers herself to be a "coordinator/collaborator/case manager".


14. Why are there medical students or residents that see my child?

Very often, Dr. Goldade will have medical students from the University of Calgary and Residents from the Alberta Children's Hospital and the University of Calgary with her in the office. Dr. Goldade is committed to the education of our future doctors. Generally, based on the student's experience, the goal is to try and allow the student to function as the Physician (with much guidance). They usually spend time with you and your child ... gathering data (with detailed instruction from Dr. Goldade) and then they come to present their findings to Dr. Goldade and attempt a plan. Then the student and Dr. Goldade will visit with you and your child to ensure that the information gathered is correct and the plan is appropriate and safe.


15. Why am I charged for a Doctor's Signature?

Any Doctor's time is very valuable. You may be asking for a simple signature but if their name is being put on the form, the doctor likely needs to read the form/letter and ensure it's accurate. Even if this takes 5 minutes, it takes time and this is considered an "uninsured service". In other words, your Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan is actually not free. Another example is that a Lawyer would also likely charge you for a signature for the same service (and likely charge you quite a bit more).


The administrative burden of practice has severely increased in the last few years. Forms are the major cause.

Hence, here is some information and recommendations on how you can help with these forms (and get them back to you as quickly as possible):


And these forms are NOT paid for by the Alberta Health Care Plan.


a) Any Form you send me (e.g., Insurance Forms, Access Calgary Transit Forms, Forms for School/University) require time to review the file and complete. It GREATLY helps me if you can complete the form in total (even the doctor’s part). You live with your child and know much more about them than I do. It then makes it so much easier for me to review and then sign. If you send me the form DIGITALLY (and all typed) up, this process will go much much faster. Think about saving ME time. If it takes me a long time, it will remain in my massive ToDo pile and I may also wind up charging you for a lot of my time.


b) There are several ways to apply for the Disability Tax Credit:

  i) On paper / Handwritten. But this is the most inefficient and doesn’t look very good to CRA. I would discourage this.

 ii)  Completed Digitally / Online but completed form sent to me - And this is my preference. I’m asking YOU to fully complete the entire form (even the doctor’s part) - all 16 pages. You know your child best and can answer the questions much much better than me. Be sure to put your child’s name on top of all pages. You can get help in completing this from from some helpers in my practice (ask me for their contact info and I’ll send it to you) - for free. Then you can send it to me digitally and I’ll review and sign it for a fee of $100.

   iii) Fully Digitally and Online (where a code is sent to me from CRA) - If you choose this path, I am still going to ask you to still full compete ii) as it then gives me info/data to complete the online form. I don’t like this particular system (as it’s a lot of repeating the answers that you have given me). My preference is technique ii).


c) AISH forms are my least favourite to complete. They can take me up to 3 hours of uninterrupted time to complete. Again, it GREATLY helps me if you can complete the ENTIRE form (your child’s diagnoses, comments about effect on daily activities, medications, etc.). If you don’t do this, then it may take me FOREVER to get the form done. It’s best done digitally and all typed up. Then you would send me the digital version and I can review and sign it. Fee is anywhere between $200 - $600. If you can provide most of the data, the cost can stay low.



Note that many forms can be completed by Psychologists, but ONLY after they have gotten to KNOW your child, have done a previous assessment and they often charge much more than I do.


16. How do I get a copy of my child's file?

You can obtain a copy of a full file by USB transfer for a fee. There is a basic $60 fee to get the process started. But there will likely be additional fees such as:

  $45 per 15 minutes for the doctor to review the file.

  $6.75 per 15 minute for technician time.


On average, the fee is around $100.

If you wish to have a paper version of the file, this will be much more costly as it takes more time and you will be charged for the paper. And if you wish for a copy of the file prior to 2006, this will cost even more, as the paper file is in storage and will need to be retrieved.

While the actual file transfer may only take a few minutes, our office staff may be busy and not able to complete this task for several days-weeks. They will inform you when the file transfer has been completed. 

If you wish to have our office process a request for a copy of your child's chart please print, sign and return the form below along with a $60 DEPOSIT. You will be billed for the BALANCE once the request has been processed and the balance calculated.

Chart Transfer Invoice.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 51.4 KB

17. Disability Tax Credit

I'm happy to help with the DTC which can be sent in digitally or on paper. There are several options that will help make this process MUCH easier (and more likely for you to get the DTC). Most important is that you need to complete Part B (the Doctor's part) yourself as this will help Dr. Goldade reference your answers when she completes the form herself.


a) Contact Krista MUSCHANOV, Financial Coach with Connections for Families Society ( Phone: 403-209-11100. Email: and she can help you fill out the form (at no charge).


b) You can also register for a workshop with Ms. Audrey VELTRI and for no cost, she could also help you complete the form which then helps me. You need to register for her workshop at:


This is a virtual workshop where Ms Veltri runs two sessions each month (typically the first and last Tuesday). The first session is HOW TO APPLY and information on the process. She will help you work through the application form together and can fill it out alongside you.

The second session is for families once they have been APPROVED and she reviews how to maximize the credit, how to claim it on an ongoing basis, and discuss other government and financial supports that are available. Families can register for the workshop. Note that Audrey may suggest some financial advice but you are under absolutely no obligation to accept it.


c) You must also complete the 16 page form yourself. You should download the NEW form (from the DTC website: And I know that the CRA site states: "Medical practitioner completes Part B. Part B must only be completed by the medical practitioner. Applicants cannot complete Part B themselves. If an applicant completes Part B themselves, it will not be processed." But I would ask that you download the whole DTC form and try to complete the doctor's portion (Part B) as completely as you can. This will provide me with a template which will help me complete the Doctor's portion of the online form by knowing what YOU think your child's challenges are:


Note that when it it is completed DIGITALLY, it looks MUCH better and it's more read-able for CRA.



Then you will send a copy of Form B to me to review.

If you wish me to go in and do the form digitally, I will use your ANSWERS to help me complete Part B on line.


**** Note that the fee for Dr. Goldade to review and sign the DTC form is $100.


Instructions for the DTC Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 70.3 KB

And here are some additional tips about the DTC Form from the Canadian Paediatric Society. Though it was written for the Paediatrician, it's also very helpful for the parents.

Tips for paediatricians completing the D
XML Document 498 Bytes

18.  I've been asked to pay a fee for a Letter

You can pay Dr. Goldade for a variety of fees (No Shows, A letter of diagnosis, the Disability Tax Credit, etc.) via a number of methods:

  • Cheque (payable to Dr .Goldade Professional Corporation). Ensure that the cheque states your child's name and what the cheque is for.
  • Cash
  • Via eTransfer (to

We do not accept Debit payment.

19. Divorced or Separated Parents


Our goal is to provide the best possible medical care for your child. We want to ensure that all caregivers are involved and informed when it comes to the health of the child. This can be a particular challenge when parents/caregivers are not living within the same household. Below is some important information regarding office policies:

  ● Appointment booking: If one parent books an appointment, it is their responsibility to inform the other parent of the upcoming appointment.

  ● Appointment reminders: Our office will only be sending one reminder email to the preferred email on file. Our EMR (Electronic Medical Record) allows only one email address in the email field at this time. It is the responsibility of the parent receiving this email to pass along this information.

  ● Attending appointmentsWe encourage both parents to attend appointments (either in person, or one parent by phone) so that the information can be provided to both caregivers at the same time. Dr. Goldade will not be booking separate appointments for parents. If parents are unable to attend together, we encourage alternating which caregiver accompanies the child to their appointment. If only one parent attends the appointment, it is their responsibility to communicate information regarding diagnosis and treatment plan to the other parent.

  ● Medical recordsUnless otherwise stated in legal documents, we will assume that both parents have access to their child’s medical record.

  ● Legal documentsWe may request copies of pertinent legal documents (custody arrangements, etc.) to ensure our staff know who can provide consent, attend medical appointments, and have access to the medical record.

  ● RelationshipsWe recognize that co-parents may have difficult relationships with differing opinions on parenting and medical treatment, challenges with communication, and a hard time with scheduling. While we strive to support families, it is not the role of the paediatrician or office staff to mediate these difficulties. It is the expectation that co-parents treat each other and the our staff with kindness and respect.