This site presents general health information and is not meant to replace a consultation with Dr. Goldade or your regular family physician.
What to Expect
In order to see Dr. Goldade, you will need a referral from your Family Doctor. Your initial appointment will be 40-60 minutes, depending on the age of your child and the reason for the visit. Your visit will then be followed by (approximately) 1-3 visits with the Dr. Goldade to solve the problem/question, and then the child will be sent back to the Family Physician for ongoing follow-up care. Please ensure you have your child's Alberta Health care card ready for reference. All visits are VIRTUAL. We ask that you obtain a Height and Weight on your child prior to the visit.
*** If more than 12 months has passed since the initial visit, you will require another referral from your Family Physician to see Dr. Goldade. Emails, Rx refills & brief correspondence do not count.
Dr. Goldade does not provide Primary Care (which means, she is not your child's regular doctor). She is also not a counsellor nor a Psychiatrist.
Some children (albeit very few) require ongoing primary care by Dr. Goldade but this is usually reserved for children with complex medical needs. Even these children should maintain contact with your regular Family Physician as the Paediatrician may not always be able to see your child urgently.
Communicating with Dr. Goldade
Late or Missed Appointments
Dr. Goldade is very on time. So, if you are late, the appointment may have to be shorter than anticipated or possibly cancelled if you are running very late. You are encouraged to email ( or text (403-620-4204) if you are running late to review the options regarding your child's appointment. If you cannot make an appointment, we ask that you cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours (1 full business day) before your visit to avoid being charged for a missed appointment. This will also give us the opportunity to book in another child and thus make it easier to see the Paediatrician! Also, please note that if there have been two occasions where you have failed to attend without notification or cancelled an appointment without sufficient notice, you will be discharged from active treatment with your doctor and no further appointments will be made, until the outstanding payment for these missed appointments is paid.
Dr. Goldade does not double book patients. So, if you are late, it then unfairly forces all of the patients of that day to be late too.
Sibling Care
If possible, please try to arrange child care for your other children so we can focus our attention on the child that is to see Dr. Goldade.
Uninsured Services
Many services that we provide are not covered by Alberta Health Care. A fee will be charged for such items, such as completing letters, forms and other non-insured services. We charge fees at the rates suggested by the Alberta Medical Association.
* The following costs are only estimates, please contact the office for updated prices.
The administrative burden of practice has severely increased in the last few years. Forms are the major cause.
Hence, here is some information and recommendations on how you can help with these forms (and get them back to you as quickly as possible):
And these forms are NOT paid for by the Alberta Health Care Plan.
a) Any Form you send me (e.g., Insurance Forms, Access Calgary Transit Forms, Forms for School/University) require time to review the file and complete. It GREATLY helps me if you can complete the form in total (even the doctor’s part). You live with your child and know much more about them than I do. It then makes it so much easier for me to review and then sign. If you send me the form DIGITALLY (and all typed) up, this process will go much much faster. Think about saving ME time. If it takes me a long time, it will remain in my massive ToDo pile and I may also wind up charging you for a lot of my time.
b) There are several ways to apply for the Disability Tax Credit (see FAQ #17).
i) On paper / Handwritten. But this is the most inefficient and doesn’t look very good to CRA. I would discourage this.
ii) Completed Digitally / Online but completed form sent to me - And this is my preference. I’m asking YOU to fully complete the entire form (even the doctor’s part) - all 16 pages. You know your child best and can answer the questions much much better than me. Be sure to put your child’s name on top of all pages. You can get help in completing this from from some helpers in my practice (ask me for their contact info and I’ll send it to you) - for free. Then you can send it to me digitally and I’ll review and sign it for a fee of $100.
iii) Fully Digitally and Online (where a code is sent to me from CRA) - If you choose this path, I am still going to ask you to still full compete ii) as it then gives me info/data to complete the online form. I don’t like this particular system (as it’s a lot of repeating the answers that you have given me). My preference is technique ii).
c) AISH forms are my least favourite to complete. They can take me up to 3 hours of uninterrupted time to complete. Again, it GREATLY helps me if you can complete the ENTIRE form (your child’s diagnoses, comments about effect on daily activities, medications, etc.). If you don’t do this, then it may take me FOREVER to get the form done. It’s best done digitally and all typed up. Then you would send me the digital version and I can review and sign it. Fee is anywhere between $200 - $600. If you can provide most of the data, the cost can stay low.
Note that many forms can be completed by Psychologists, but ONLY after they have gotten to KNOW your child, have done a previous assessment and they often charge much more than I do.
For more information prior to your appointment, please see the F.A.Q section
For ALL correspondence, please use Email:
Fax: 403-255-9322